Monthly Archives: August 2021

  • VA Summer Trip: The National Zoo!

    By Kathy Jiang, VA HS Program Coordinator

    Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    VA Summer Programs wrapped up at the end of last month with our first field trip since pre-pandemic times: to the Smithsonian Zoo. It was a fun, if humid, day filled with animal friends and bonding.

    Safety with Sound Initiative: AAPI Resident Safety Giveaway


    In light of the increasing anti-AAPI hate crimes, Asian American LEAD is working on a project to equip our community members against the violence towards AAPI senior citizens. Through our Safety with Sound initiative, AALEAD will distribute personal safety goodie bags and PPE (shown below).

    We believe that this is a grea

  • DC AALEAD’s Summer Gratitude List

    By Natie Hara, DC High School Program Coordinator

    Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Youth and Staff


    After enduring one of the most historic years, we prioritized mental wellness and coming together as a community this summer.  Titled CommUNITY: Stronger Together, we discussed our personal journeys with mental health and s

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