Yearly Archives: 2018

  • Reflections of a Student on the College Mentoring Program

    by Aisha M., Current AALEAD Student at Montgomery College Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff I was  recently matched with a coach three months ago, and I am very excited to get to know her on a personal level and to learn her educational experiences, current job, and life stories. My coach's name is Donna, and she received her Master of Public Health at George Washington University. She now works at A Wider Circle, an non-profit organization that helps families get out of poverty by providing w

  • AALEAD Mentoring Program Celebrates 20 Years: National Mentoring Month Kick Off

    By Vi Bui, Youth Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Did you hear? January 2018 is National Mentoring Month and this year, AALEAD, as well as our Mentoring Programs, celebrate 20 years of serving youth in the DC area community. In 1998, Ms. Sandy Dang founded AALEAD and the Youth Mentoring Program has been with us ever since as one of our oldest programs. Although the model of our Youth Mentoring Program has changed throughout the years, in its curr

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