Yearly Archives: 2018

  • “I could not have done this alone.”

    By Stephanie Lim, former DC Middle & High School Program Coordinator

    Photos Courtesy of Stephanie Lim and AALEAD Staff

    At the time of writing, it is the Monday of my last week at Asian American LEAD. I have cleaned out most of my desk and organized it for the next coordinator. I have packed most of the notes and cards I’ve received from youth, former i

  • My Favorite AALEAD Moments, pt4.

    By Vi Bui, Youth Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator; Freidricka Camille, College & Career Mentoring Programs Coordinator; and Ha Nguyen, Development & Communications Associate

    Photos courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    Founded in 1998, AALEAD initially served the large Vietnamese refugee community in the Columbia Heights area of Washington DC. As the dem

  • My Favorite AALEAD Moments, pt3.

    By Anu Sharma, MD High School Program Coordinator; Shaima Ahmad, VA Programs Manager; and Ha Nguyen, Development & Communications Associate

    Photos courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    This week, we visit Anu and Shaima, who are currently working with our AALEAD High School youth in Maryland and Virginia programs. However, did you know that both Anu

  • My Favorite AALEAD Moments, pt2.

    By Charles Kuo, DC Programs Manager; Saadia Ahmad, DC Elementary School Program Coordinator; and Ha Nguyen, Development and Communications Associate

    Photos courtesy of AALEAD staff

    This year, AALEAD celebrates 20 years of empowering young leaders across the DC metropolitan area through our after-school, summer and mentoring programs.

    By: Pallavi Rudrataju, VA Middle School Program Coordinator; and Ha Nguyen, Development & Communications Associate

    Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    The Back to School season is finally upon us. Here at AALEAD, this is the time where our program staff work even more diligently together to kick off the AALEAD's After School and Mentoring Programs for the new

  • My Ten Weeks With AALEAD Flew By In the Blink of An Eye

    By Liying Tan, Curriculum Development Intern
    Photos courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    This summer, I was honored to be selected as a Curricul

  • 2018 Summer Program Interns – Final Reflections

    By Sharon Rajadurai, VA Summer Program Intern; Alani Fujii, MD Summer Program Intern; and Ha Nguyen, Development & Communications Associate

    Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    On August 2nd, the 2018 AALEAD Origins Summer Program officially concluded after serving over 100 youth grades 6 to 12 across the DC metropolitan area in Montgomery County

  • Greetings from Anu!

    By Anu Sharma, MD High School Program Coordinator
    Photos Courtesy of Anu Sharma and AALEAD Staff

    In a response to the question “What keeps you going?”, Angela Davis, a Black political activist, author, and scholar, explains:

    “Optimism is an absolute necessity… What has kept me going has been the development of new modes of community. I don

  • Learning about Microaggressions: Intern Observation @ DC Youth Programs

    By Liying Tan, AALEAD Curriculum Development Intern
    Photos Courtesy of Liying Tan 

    AALEAD's DC Origins Summer Program '18

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