Monthly Archives: August 2018

  • My Ten Weeks With AALEAD Flew By In the Blink of An Eye

    By Liying Tan, Curriculum Development Intern
    Photos courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    This summer, I was honored to be selected as a Curricul

  • 2018 Summer Program Interns – Final Reflections

    By Sharon Rajadurai, VA Summer Program Intern; Alani Fujii, MD Summer Program Intern; and Ha Nguyen, Development & Communications Associate

    Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    On August 2nd, the 2018 AALEAD Origins Summer Program officially concluded after serving over 100 youth grades 6 to 12 across the DC metropolitan area in Montgomery County

  • Greetings from Anu!

    By Anu Sharma, MD High School Program Coordinator
    Photos Courtesy of Anu Sharma and AALEAD Staff

    In a response to the question “What keeps you going?”, Angela Davis, a Black political activist, author, and scholar, explains:

    “Optimism is an absolute necessity… What has kept me going has been the development of new modes of community. I don

  • Learning about Microaggressions: Intern Observation @ DC Youth Programs

    By Liying Tan, AALEAD Curriculum Development Intern
    Photos Courtesy of Liying Tan 

    AALEAD's DC Origins Summer Program '18

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