Monthly Archives: December 2015

  • A Season of Giving with AALEAD

    By Chelsea Iorlano, Development & Communications Associate Photos Courtesy of Chelsea Iorlano Each day, the youth we serve come to AALEAD Programs and give.  They give their attention, time, respect, appreciation, energy, and support.  Each day in programs, youth give of themselves and create the vibrant, nurturing, and strong community that is AALEAD.  AALEAD Programs could not provide the stable community and safe space that they do without the youth committing to their programs and

  • The Spirit of Community: AALEAD DC Programs

    By Día Bùi, DC Middle & High School Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Día Bùi Ying, Tom, and Caleb with ES youth 

  • AALEAD Voices

    By Shaima Ahmad, VA Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of Shaima Ahmad This past week three AALEAD youth from the VA High School Program at Annandale HS had the opportunity to attend a Student Voices Session at the US Department of Education with Secretary Arne Duncan and Under Secretary John King. The session was focused on hearing stories and gaining feedback from first generation immigrant youth and their families in regards to their experiences with the US education system. Despite being n

  • Learning through Lumpia

    By Diane Bui, MD Middle School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Diane Bui Growing up in my household, there were two guarantees: smiles were easy to come by and the food was always delicious. My parents came from the Philippines and Vietnam, and one sure way to always get mine and my sister’s attention was through food. This is how I first learned about my culture, and it’s still my favorite way to learn. One staple whenever we attended any Filipino gathering was lumpia, or Filipin

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